Friday, 9 April 2010

I Wanted The Best, I Got The Best! The Hottest Band In The World....

I feel like I should be starring in my very own 1970s feelgood summertime buddy movie. Not only has the sun now come out, but I have managed to get my greasy mitts on two tickets to see Kiss play live at the LG Arena in Birmingham this coming May.

For those not in the know (everyone....anyone?) I freaking love Kiss and would have possibly foregone a limb to see them. As it was, I only had to pay a few digits, thanks to Ticketmaster's massive price gouging policy, but if any 'get to the gig' movies I have seen have taught me anything, it's that you can't put a price on Kiss tickets.

I hope my journey there is more successful than that experienced by Edward Furlong and his friends in Detroit Rock City. I would hate to get beaten up by a small boy's older brother, or have my mum turn up and inexplicably steal my drumsticks.

So, the question is, who shall I take with me. Well, girlfriend has kindly bowed out, acknowledging that she barely knows any of their songs and doesn't give a hoot about the band. Therefore, I get to live out my 1970s teenage dream and go with my Best Chum instead. I'm going to try and convince him that we need to go in full Kiss make-up. Bagsy not Peter Criss! Nobody wants to be Peter Criss. Not even Peter Criss.

Daily Tourettes: Muthflippin Kiss tickets! Shizz.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Happy Chocolate Jesus Weekend

Well this blog got off to a fairly inauspicious start. Just as I began to post regularly, I was cruelly struck down with tonsilitis for a good week or so and the blog remained unblogged as I sat around struggling to breathe and forgetting how to do basic things like wash myself or eat. Tonsilitis sounds like such a wimpy little disease, like you might say "Ouch, my tonsils are infected" and someone might recommend a cure of gargling some mouthwash, and you will be right as rain tomorrow. Instead, my throat felt like someone was cramming a pine cone down it for 4 days straight, my body felt like it was over-inflated and I was faced with the cruel irony of desperately needing to cough quite a lot whilst desperately trying not to because I knew it would only aggravate the pine cone situation further.

But anyway, what didn't kill me made me stronger...or maybe just made me I think the best thing I can say about the whole experience was that it didn't kill me and I'm nearly all better. So much nearly all better in fact, that I decided today that I was well enough to remove a tree stump from our garden. You can see said tree stump in the bottom right of the picture above, still connected to most of the tree (I left it attached so we could swing on it). It's all a part of our wacky plan to level the garden and completely re-jig it. Next job: Fence! Well, technically the next job is to re-do the bannisters on the stairs inside, but I'm feeling rugged and outdoorsy today, so I'm just focusing on that.
Anyhow, I'm off to count my blisters and flex in the mirror.
Daily Tourettes: Bonerfied